One of the reasons I wrote the book, " Prosperous Homesteading " and my upcoming "Homesteading With Workhorses," was an effort to get our ideas of "community" and the successful socio-economic framework for homesteading that we have been privileged to learn and to live from the people who have succeeded at this for generations out into (what we thought was a self-reliance/self-sufficiency/debt-free living/home-based production movement/paradigm outside of the suburban mortgage/car payment/commute-two-hours-per-day life of endless hurry and fear of inconvenience and discomfort) the the purview of people who might be interested in homesteading. The book continues to sell far beyond my or my publisher's expectation. But we didn't produce that book to sell books. I am a novelist, and I want to sell novels, and my life on my very real homestead and in my community is a labor of love. We hoped to reach out to people who might like to live this way. After...
The resettlement of the American countryside is underway. Most people will fail. Some will succeed. There are hundreds of thousands of people thriving on prosperous homesteads across America. Come visit. Learn how to succeed in this manner of living.