In the real world, there are facts—even in a world with a thousand shades of grey. These facts govern—and people who can accurately interpret the environment in which they find or place themselves in will have greater success and better outcomes than people who do not. The resettlement of the American countryside, what some people have taken to calling "homesteading," is governed by a set of environmental facts, and no amount of feel-good propaganda is going to have any impact on this set of circumstances. This article is directed at people who have amassed hard-won resources and capital and are considering moving from the suburban model of living to the American countryside. First, don't listen to the media. While it is true that most (there are plenty of wealthy landowners and businesses) of rural America is a disaster zone of government dependence, addiction, and obesity, disasters create opportunities. There are winners and losers in this environment, just as...
The resettlement of the American countryside is underway. Most people will fail. Some will succeed. There are hundreds of thousands of people thriving on prosperous homesteads across America. Come visit. Learn how to succeed in this manner of living.